How long is the program from start to finish?
Skill Development – 14 weeks
Work Exposure – 12 weeks
Work Maintenance – 8 weeks
Ideally, participants will then continue with that same employer on an ongoing basis without the need for Bissell’s supports and supervision.
When is the next cohort ready to work?
See below for our Work Exposure start dates for 2023:
- January 6
- March 10
- June 2
- July 7
- September 29
- October 27
You can also see our calendar for dates.
What skills are covered in the skill development portion of the program?
- interviewing skills
- resume and cover letter writing
- job search skills
- self-marketing,
- effective and appropriate communication,
- developing self-supporting routines
- financial empowerment
- computer basics
- workplace rights and responsibilities
- positive ways to engage the community
- responsibilities and acceptable behavior at work.
Is there a subsidy available? If so, how much?
Yes, Workforce Development will subsidize a worker’s wages for $13.33/Hour for up to 30 Hours per week, for the first 12 weeks of employment.
What wrap-around supports do you offer in the program?
Recovery Coach – Supports participants in managing their mental health and addiction challenges as needed, while encouraging the growth and development of overall well-being for individuals.
Cultural Support Worker – Cultural support allows participants access to Indigenous spiritual practices, knowledge, resources, ceremony, and mentorship.
Housing Navigator – Connects participants to the housing program.
Employment Support Worker – Assists in developing skills such as resume building, interview prep, and job search needed to become successful in the workforce.
What are the eligibility criteria for program participants?
- Must be +18 years old
- Have at least 2 COVID-19 vaccination
- Must not have attended a government-funded employment training program within the last 6 months
- Must have a bank account or be willing to open one
- Must have 2 identifiable barriers to employment
For more information about Bissell Workforce Development or to partner with us as an employer, please contact us at 780.232-8612 or